home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- LabelMaker
- Address Book
- Form1
- FirstLabel
- First Name
- LastLabel
- Last Name
- AddButton
- FirstName
- LastName
- SaveButton
- Label1
- Street
- StreetName
- DeleteButton
- Delete
- Label2
- Suite or P.O. Box
- PrintLabel
- Print Label
- SuiteName
- Command1
- Clear
- Label3
- Label4
- State
- Label5
- Zip Code
- CityName
- StateName
- ZipCode
- Label6
- Office Phone
- Label7
- Label8
- Home Phone
- OfficePhone
- FaxPhone
- HomePhone
- NameList
- QuitButton
- About
- About...
- Combo1_ChangeG
- NameList_Change
- NameList_DropDownm
- CancelButton_Click*
- Form_Click
- FileOpener_Click
- Groupvar!
- GroupRecord
- @ Form_Load
- SaveButton_Click
- AddButton_Click)
- GroupRecordFirstName{
- Firstname
- LastName
- RecordNumv
- LastRecord
- RecordVar
- NameList_GotFocus
- NameList
- QuitButton_ClickE
- EnabledN
- ListName_DragDrop
- Source
- ListName_ClickQ
- ListName_GotFocus
- NameList_Clickk
- StreetName
- SuiteName
- CityName
- ZipCode
- OfficePhonew
- FaxPhone
- HomePhone_
- NameList_DblClickt
- IndexL
- StateName
- ListIndexo
- NameList_KeyPressW
- KeyAsciiI
- NameList_KeyDown
- KeyCoded
- Shifta
- Items
- NameList_KeyUp
- StreetName_Change
- AddingName
- GetPick
- Names
- NewIndex
- DeleteButton_Click!
- Group#
- Steps:
- PrintLabel_Click
- Printerz
- FontName
- FontBold
- Cityw
- Please
- Message=
- PrintMsg
- PrintProcess
- PrintingN
- labelj
- Burgess
- PrintMessage
- Caption
- ExtraLine
- Count
- Command1_Click
- FirstName_Change
- FirstName_LostFocus
- FirstName_KeyPress\
- LastName_Change
- LastName_KeyPress
- StreetName_KeyPress
- SuiteName_Change
- SuiteName_KeyPress
- CityName_Change
- CityName_KeyPress
- StateName_Change
- StateName_KeyPress}
- ZipCode_Change
- ZipCode_KeyPress
- OfficePhone_Change
- OfficePhone_KeyPress2
- FaxPhone_ChangeF
- FaxPhone_KeyPress
- HomePhone_Changek
- HomePhone_KeyPress
- About_Click
- Line1
- Line2
- Line3
- ShowProcess
- MsgBoxMsg
- CancelButton_Click
- FileOpener_Click
- Form_Load
- To add someone to the List, type their name into
- the appropriate slots and click on the ADD"
- button. You can retrieve the name by
- clicking on the name in the list.
- To get you started..."
- AddButton_Click
- -Set the Group Values from Input
- -Calculate where to put it in the file
- -Add name to the file and to the liste
- -Clear out the list
- QuitButton_Click
- ListName_GotFocus
- NameList_DblClick
- NameList_KeyDown
- NameList_KeyUp
- GetPick
- NameList_Click
- SaveButton_Click
- -Set the Group Values from Input
- -Save the values back to the filea
- DeleteButton_Click
- Check if cursor in list box pos 1
- Set item to 2nd File Item
- otherwise
- set item 2 positions away in file
- Get number of records in the file
- Take out the list box display itemo
- From start to end of file
- retrieve next file record by item
- place it in deleted record pos
- look to the next item in line
- Create a temporary holding file
- From pos 1 to next to last record
- retrieve the record
- place it into the temp file
- Close all files
- Delete the original filep
- Rename the temp filei
- Open it for access8
- Replace the focus on first fields
- PrintLabel_Click
- No Name Selected to Print"
- Printing Status"
- Printing a label for "
- , Please Wait...
- \DEV\LPT1"
- Command1_Click
- FirstName_LostFocus
- FirstName_KeyPress
- LastName_KeyPress
- StreetName_KeyPress
- SuiteName_KeyPress
- CityName_KeyPress
- StateName_KeyPress
- ZipCode_KeyPress
- OfficePhone_KeyPress
- FaxPhone_KeyPress
- HomePhone_KeyPress
- About_Click
- A VeeBee Address Book"
- Copyright
- 1991 Knowledge Works, Inc.
- Mark S. Burgess"
- About The Program"